Friday, January 8, 2016

Royalty: Prince George Graduates from the University of Oxford!


Prince George, 2, today completed his studies at the University of Oxford having read Spheroid Analytics, Lithuanian Literature, and Chemistry.

Asked what his favorite subject was, Prince George replied, “Lithuanian was a bitch. I aced Spheroid Analytics. But I think Chemistry, especially how it is applied to Pharmacology and Explosives, is on top of the list.”

Commenting on Prince George’s studies, Proctor of Boring College at Oxford, Brenda Slag, had this to say about the Prince, “He really did a great job all around.  I have to hand it to him.  This young man is going somewhere.”

The Prince was demure on the subject of his immediate future.  Said the Prince, “I expect that shortly I will be assigned to some branch of the military that can take advantage of my skills in Pharmacology and Explosives.  I haven’t seen any jobs in Spheroid Analytics.”

Admiral of the Royal Navy, Sir Nigel Hogg-Piggly, commented, “No doubt, the Prince will fill in our gap in Lithuanian Literature capability.”

Contacted today at the Leighton Buzzard Annual Kumquat Festival, Prince William, Prince George’s father, said, “I never used to really kind of sort of get too wound up or worried about things.”

Prince William earlier this year at the Prince William Banana Trust Brunch
H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth II, Prince George’s great grandmother, when asked about Prince George’s future said, “What the hell is wrong with Spheroid Analytics?”


1 comment:

  1. This is exactly the sort of insight the Space/Time Continuum needs.
