Saturday, January 16, 2016

Nutrition: Carrot Sales Soar in the U.S.!

StopNShop, ShopRite, ShopRong, and Woopee supermarkets, as well as dozens of supermarket chains around the country, are having a hard time keeping up with a sudden explosion of consumer demand for carrots in the United States.

Can't get enough carrots!

Recently, due to the impact of drought, climate change, and Republican debates, U.S. carrot production has sunk to record low levels and wholesalers and distributors have turned to Mexican producers to fill the demand.


According to The Carrot Institute’s Director of Medium-Size Carrots, Bugs “Wisenheimer” Bunny, the carrot industry was caught off-guard.

“We’ve had a pretty steady year-to-year level of demand for decades and our supply chain is well-established. But since imports from Mexico began in the past few months we’ve experienced a growth rate of something like 900 percent”, said Bunny. “All I can say is ‘What’s up, Doc?’. That's how impressive this is.”

Every vehicle in Mexico is mobilized!
According to one Mexican carrot farm owner, who owns 30,800 acres of carrot production, Pancho Villa Zapata Frank Zappa Bastante Mierda de Toro, the American demand gives Mexico a chance to showcase its unique hybrid carrots.

"Sí, producimos las zanahorias de primera calidad con una fórmula genética que los hace excepcionalmente satisfactoria y eficaz," said Mierda. (trans. Yes, we produce the finest quality carrots with a genetic formula that makes them exceptionally satisfying and effective).

Consumer Debbie Spacklebaum, interviewed at Squeegee Mart in Welbutrin, Tennessee, bought 10 lbs. of carrots. “I’m incredibly lucky that I got this amount.  It was not cheap but my entire family loves these carrots, especially the children,” said Spackelbaum.  “All I hear from them constantly is ‘more carrots, Mom’.  Finally, my kids have discovered vegetables and I believe they’re better for them than Cheetos!”

Tina Spacklebaum, age 6 months, adores carrots!
Spacklebaum scores!
Family dog, Chapo, loves carrots, too!

Carrot Analyst at Goldman Sachs, Carol Radish, has been monitoring the impact on the financial markets. 
“This spike in demand has caused some big gains in agriculture stocks, especially in companies that grow carrots in Mexico and are listed on the exchanges in the United States and around the world,” said Radish. 

 Market frenzy!

Leading the pack is Sinaloan Cartel (NYSE:THC) which has captured a market share of over 90 percent of carrot imports to the United States. 

More market share!!

Market share!

Joaquin Guzman, CEO of Sinaloan Cartel, who is temporarily serving 400 years in Mexico’s highest security prison, was unavailable for comment as was Sinaloan Cartel Communications Director, Sean Penn.



 Sinaloa, home to high-quality carrots and giant arrows.


Asked about what might be causing this new excitement over carrots, we spoke with Director of Carrot and Legume Biochemistry, Dr. Dean Beetroot, of the Food and Drug Administration.

Dr. Beetroot

“We’ve sampled these carrots from Mexico and we had to go out and get about four more bags and more Cheetos,” said Beetroot.  “Right now our data is all over the place and we are currently examining Bugs Bunny cartoons.  

Latest data!

"But in between all this, we did manage to figure out that there is a very, very high level of Vitamin THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in these carrots.  Vitamin THC is essential for mental and spiritual health.”

Vitamin THC molecule rendered by Dr. Beetroot's team

Martha Acorn, owner of the MopNGlow bakery in Eerie, Pennsylvania, had this to say: “I’m making these carrot cakes at such a humongous rate that I had to hire the best Mexican bakers I could find and we’re humping 24/7.  Did I just say that?”

Loaded with Vitamin THC!


Reached for comment, the White House said that, instead of cookies, carrots will be served at his Cabinet meetings.  The president’s press secretary, Bruce Hydroponic, had this to say:



“The President and the First Lady have been promoting healthy natural foods since Day One,” said Hydroponic.  “Carrots are essential for mental and spiritual health, so the President has decided to replace the traditional cookies at Cabinet meetings with carrots."  

Hydroponic added, "This is also an example of the positive impact of trade agreements with Mexico that have been established for quite some time and that benefit both the American economy as well as hard working aliens from the planet Dogma.”
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Dick Spinrad

Planet Dogma, seen from The White House

Professor of Economics and Carrot Behavior at Texas A&M University of Texas, "Snoop" Drubbly-Root, said, "Because of squeezed supply and massive demand, the street price for carrots is already skyrocketing.   At this point, it's a cash-only business, leveraging demand and consumer liquidity.  From an economic standpoint, it's almost like the drug trade."


Investor Warren G. Harding, of Weedworld, Mexico, said "I'm going long on THC.  This is a stock that you should sit on and watch create investor value."

Mexican carrots creating investor value!

Harding's office.  Talk about investor value!!!

For additional insight into carrot nutrition, click here:

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