Wednesday, August 31, 2016

ET Signal Source Discovered!

Reports late last week that a radio telescope had picked up a strange signal coming from HD 164595, a star located roughly 94 million light years away, sent scientists around the world into a frenzy.

The signal!
 Over the weekend radio telescopes everywhere spun around and pointed at HD 164595 hoping to tune-in to the mysterious signal.



The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute immediately turned its own Allen Telescope Array in California toward the source of the mysterious signal.

"A little more to the left, Frank!"

"Right, to the right, I said to the right, Benno!

According to Scientific American on Tuesday: “(The signal) could have been created by aliens, but more likely results from an Earth-orbiting satellite or other contamination (terrestrial interference).”

In spite of all the monitoring of HD 164595, results were negative.  

But today SETI’s telescopes picked up a very strong signal perfectly matching the reported signal from HD 164595 as Donald Trump’s aircraft flew over the SETI Allen Array on his way to a meeting with the President of Mexico.

“We now believe that Donald Trump's hair is the source of the contamination," said Dr. Sanjay Beetrot, Investigative Astronomer.

"We know that his hair is made from highly unusual metallic threads of unknown origin, is shaped like a flat transmitter/receiver, and it has caused disturbances and terrestrial interference in the past,” .

Trump's Hair
The Universe

"There is definitely some similarity between images we've captured about that part of the universe and Donald Trump's hair," continued Beetrot.

“We don’t know what the relationship between HD 164595 and Mr. Trump’s hair but they are on the same frequency.   We would need a detailed physical examination of Mr. Trump and his hair first.   But I expect we’ll never know.”

"DT, phone home!"

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