Sunday, August 7, 2016

As International Clown Week Closes, "Bada Bing" Elected "Best Clown of the Year"

Each year, International Clown Week is celebrated during the week of August 1–7.  On the last day of each celebration, clowns from around the world nominate the "Best Clown in the World" to serve for the following year.

"Boo Boo" Schwartzki

Art "Boo Boo" Schwartzki, the current chairman of the International Clown Association, after reviewing the votes from clowns around the world, has today announced that Donald "Bada Bing" Trump has been elected "Best Clown in the World" during 2016/2017.

"Bada Bing"
 A bit of history for those who are unfamiliar with this annual event: The push to create a "Clown Week" began in the United States.  On October 8, 1970, Public Law 91-443 under the 91st Congress, JJR 26, declaring that a "National Clown Week" be established, was passed by both the House and Senate and was sent to President Richard Nixon for his signature.

The joint resolution was signed into law by President Nixon on August 2, 1971.  It has been speculated that no president other than Nixon would have entertained such a law.

Later, the organization became international, and now clowns from all corners of the world come out to be particularly clownish during the week; invoking tears of joy and happiness in people of all ages.

"It was hands-down the biggest landslide in the history of the International Clown Association", said Schwartzki.  "We had a few other contenders, like "Cousin Fatty" Kim Jong  Un, who is on the ballot every year, but it seems like this year there is one clown that everyone of our members could agree on.  He has brought clowning to a new level!"

Crowds go wild for "Bada Bing"!

Asked for a comment from "Badda Bing", we finally got through to the "Best Clown in the World".  He said: "I really like babies who shut up and war heroes who don't get captured . . . (honk honk)!"

What a side-splitter!  No wonder "Bada Bing" is the "Best Clown in the World"! 

"Bada Bing" in one of his hilarious costumes!


  1. Let's hope that's the only office he's elected to.

  2. Let's hope that's the only office he's elected to.
