Saturday, June 11, 2016

Yet Another Word About Donald Trump

This poseur is a Grade A prick.  OK?   I said it in language that most New Yorkers, especially those in business there, will understand.  He has exponentially more enemies than friends because he’s screwed them over for years and I don’t think that Trump in all his presidential prowess these days has any intention of doing anything else other than making more enemies.  Because this has nothing to do with America, it has everything to do with Donald Trump.

But his idea of outrunning his enemies and financial problems is to rise to the highest job in America.

He buys and sells properties, has a rap-sheet of pending lawsuits that is a mile long, and since he wasn’t really very good at actually building viable stuff, went into the licensing business, “Trump” being the brand. 
His name is on a giant “luxury” condo residential tower in Stamford, CT, where I used to live, that after 7 years is probably 20% occupied   He doesn’t put money into these things, he licenses his name.

Whomever put up the bucks for this tower is putting money into Trump’s bank account just to have the name on this vertical dead whale and is getting killed.   There are other Trump towers like this around the world.

Trump’s personal branding strategy begat an entire string of failures that ranged from China to Mexico, from hiring writers to ghostwrite books with his name to retail stuff like steaks and vodka to an airline to a “Trump University”.   If his tax returns are ever released, which I doubt will ever be, we will find out that his main source of income will probably be in licensing his name.  And his main expense will be legal counsel, because this guy is way over his head in active lawsuits and the costs of the number of lawyers required to juggle whom he sues and most significantly the hundreds if not thousands of people suing him has to be huge.   

If by some stretch of the imagination this guy is elected and goes to Washington, he’s going to arrive with a motorcade of garbage trucks that is ten miles long.

The fact that he spent all his time on his crappy cable television show, The Apprentice, starring himself, which had ratings of something like 0.02% (therefore in his view, “very successful”) is telling enough.  What?  He didn’t have enough to do in his vaunted real estate business? 
So this is all about branding, building a Trump image, etc.  And now it has reached a somewhat hysterical and out-of-control level.

Brands can go down; certainly if the core brand is faulty, but notably if a “successful” brand is extended to strange products that don’t make sense to consumers.   Trump, the political brand extension, seems destined to crash and burn like the rest of his goofball brand extensions.

Even George Foreman, a boxer who decades ago got whacked by the recently deceased Mohammad Ali, has more branding savvy than Trump.  Foreman put his name on an electric appliance, period, and it has, as far as I know, been very successful.

Trump has gone into human brand cloning, of course, breeding three children who basically sit in offices in his building in New York, deal with all of the messy business and legal stuff, and show up at various political rallies.   The two sons, Eric and Donald, Jr., slick back their hair and shoot endangered animals in their spare time, and the daughter, Invanka, is more or less Donald Senior’s incest lust target (“Don’t you think she’s hot?”, he was reported as saying).

Trump is one big over-extended crazy mess and his atoms are starting to fly apart.

As Clinton and Warren and many others have pointed out, he’s bigoted and inexperienced.  He doesn’t seem to have any organization and doesn’t have a clue about government.   Not surprisingly, he is witless about law, simply because his army of lawyers is always at hand.
The attraction that lower/middle-class American white males have for him is baffling since he’s a guy that has never been in a car other than a limousine with a driver and has a record of hiring non-U.S. citizens to pour concrete into his real estate clunkers.  In being “wealthy” and probably paying no taxes, he is the epitome of what that demographic is supposed to dislike (except he’s not black). 
Of course, despots like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un love him.  He’s part of their club and carries with him the promise that America will be completely destabilized if he gets into power.

Watching this campaign, with Donald Trump unwinding his incomplete sentences, facial contortions, and theatrical gestures on stage every day, has been like reading a comic book from the 1940’s about some kind of nemesis that is terrorizing a city and Batman must defeat.  He doesn’t (yet) have smeared clown makeup all over his face, but Trump’s hair, which changes from blonde to green, depending on the day, and his orange spray-on tan, have so far been a reasonable stand-ins.

His quest for the presidency has nothing to do with making America “great again”. 
He has no plans, he wings it every minute he gets on stage.
But it has everything to do with making Trump “great”; enabling him to feel like he’s out-distanced all the plaintiffs in his lawsuits, put all his business disasters behind him, and besting everyone who has ever called him a prick.
And of course once he’s president, hell fire is going to rain down on enemies and anyone who won’t or can’t buy a $50.00 Trump steak.  This he has already promised.

Get ready kids, this is going to hurt!

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