Thursday, June 2, 2016

My New 3-D Kitchen Robot Pancake Printer

Now that I have my 3-D kitchen robot pancake printer, my life has certainly changed for the better.

The thing required some minor Angular JS coding and then I had to figure out how to hook the thing up via Bluetooth across the living room, but now that it is up and running, I’m able to produce things in pancake that are pretty impressive.

I started with my 2015 tax return.   That took a bit of work to get all the deductions in, but I’m sure the IRS won’t mind getting the gift of pancake.  Especially since it’s 3-D!

Then I went on to portraiture.

I started with Donald Trump, mainly to test out the resolution.  It was his fine hair that I was looking to capture in a pancake.   The result was pretty good.   However, I’m not sure it was that much better than a waffle.

Then I went on to geography.   In this project I opted for the border dispute between Belize and Guatemala.   That went pretty well except my pancake mix was too runny so it wasn’t entirely clear what was going on, which is probably what my 3-D kitchen robot pancake printer was trying to tell me anyway.

Next I tried printing money in pancake.   Unfortunately, the best rendition of currency turned out to be the Venezuelan Bolivar and given the inflation in that country I couldn’t find enough pancake mix to print out enough pancake currency to buy a doughnut.

Since this is a 3-D kitchen robot pancake printer, I had to be daring.  A pancake in three dimensions is ground-breaking enough.   But wait until you see my 3-D rendition of Hillary Clinton in pancake!  Kim Jong Un turned out great, too!

I was then going to go for large-scale industrial projects like the Hoover Dam, but backed out of that one because every pancake I’ve ever produced before my 3-D kitchen robot pancake printer has had a striking resemblance to the Hoover Dam. 
However, for breakfast today, I ate a beautiful 3-D rendition of the Los Alamos National Laboratory complete with syrup, butter, strawberries and a dollop of sour cream.

What could be better than that?  The Large Hadron Supercollider, of course!  More pancake! Tomorrow!

For reference:

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