Saturday, June 4, 2016

Mohammad Ali v. Donald Trump


With Mohammad Ali’s passing and the subsequent torrent of obituaries, recollections, videos, tributes, and commentary, it just occurs to me that a fantasy match-up of the two ought to be conjured.

We have to think of Ali in his boxing prime and Trump in his political prime, which is now.   I think.

Let’s just assume that this isn’t an actual boxing match but a debate, probably more like a shouting match and jousting in the press. 
In a boxing match, it would be lights out for The Donald in a short period. 
I would have said ten seconds in Round One, but Ali’s style was often to taunt his opponents in the ring, let them swing and throw punches for a few rounds until they were exhausted, take punches if need be, and like a cat with a mouse, just play for a while until it was time for the deck.  He took out all kinds of sturdy and threatening opponents this way.

In a shouting match, Trump’s main points would consist of Muslim-bashing, accusation of treason, threats of deportation, and probably some combustible mix of racial epithets.   Trump’s main facial expression, the anus-shaped mouth, would occur every 6 seconds.

Ali would be louder, far more combative, sometimes coming up with lines like “Trump Goes Whump on the Stump” and pulling out a Donald Trump puppet and pounding it with his fist, repeating: “Donald Trump, you’re a racist.  Donald Trump, you’re a hater.  Donald Trump, you’re a phony.   Donald Trump, in One! (round)”.

TRUMP: “As far as I’m concerned, this guy’s a loser.  Always has been.  Terrible.   I’m very successful.  I know business and make great deals. 
America is dangerous because black people are becoming Muslims and radicals, and when I’m president, things are really going to change.  Boy, are they going to change!”

ALI: “You can put me in jail Trump, you can lynch me or throw me out of the country because you think you are racially superior and you hate Muslims, but you are still going to be ugly and have bad hair.”

TRUMP: “Now, you are insulting me!  You are a despicable man, unfit to run for president!”

ALI: [CONTINUES TO BEAT TRUMP PUPPET WITH FIST] “C’mon over here, Trump, and whisper that in my ear!”


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