Sunday, December 20, 2015

Blather: What's behind the soaring sales of harps?

You know, this really gets my dander up and once again we're back to the issue of our right to bear harps.

I don't have a problem with insisting on background checks for anyone wishing to purchase a harp, but to charge extra for liability insurance, when this is our constitutional right, is insane.

Look really closely at the original Constitution and you'll see that "harps" was whited-out and they ended up writing "arms" instead because the framers didn't want to exclude piccolos and sackbutts.

Any schoolkid can tell you that Revolutionary War militias of harpists playing Pachabel's Cannon (sic) took out whole boatloads of British soldiers and plenty of civilians in the battle of Harpo.  Where did the harps come from?  From average Early American homes, Sherman!

So what's up with the discrimination here?  

We at the National Harp Association won't stop until it's recognized that a harp is a Weapon of Mass Destruction and therefore worthy of zero liability insurance. 

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