Monday, January 16, 2017

Ringling Bros. Circus to Close After 146 Years, But There's Good News!

Feld Entertainment, which produces The Ringling Bros & Barnum and Baily Circus, is shutting it down in May this year after 146 years.  It’s kind of sad, but good for the exploited animals.

I remember being taken as a child to the circus when it came to New York City, and before the show we’d get to tour backstage, where all the animals were.  The combined smell of hay, manure, farts, and popcorn butter is an indelible olfactory memory, and it’s still in my nose today.

That’s the bad news.
But according to Feld Entertainment, the clowns will be transferred to government jobs in Washington, D.C. and the animals are going to go to a variety of safe and humane locations also in the Capital.

The Trump Team has not confirmed it but by the looks of it they’re already sending in the clowns.
To give your child an unforgettable memory of the smell of hay, manure, farts, and popcorn butter, plus a lot of clowning around, all you need to do is take a tour of Congress or the White House!! 

Crowed Sean Spicer, Trump Communications Director, “We just saved 500 jobs which might have gone to Mexico!  And it’s consistent with President-Elect Trump’s strategy to preside over The Greatest Show on Earth!”

For reference:

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