Thursday, February 11, 2016

Richard Branson Boo-Boo

Branson, after being bitten by a stingray and hurling himself into a plate glass door

MSN and Mirror just reported that Richard Branson, billionaire, has received a couple of boo-boo’s during a recent trip to Grand Cayman, a Caribbean island known for lovely scuba diving and money laundering. 

Branson totally annoying stingrays
Not only did he receive a 3-inch pinch by a stingray, but he then hurled himself into a bullet proof glass door at El Wrongico, a popular resort and money launderer in Grand Cayman.

Branson, popular on Twitter, Facebook, Assbook, and the Bank of America Message Center, proudly displayed his wounds on these websites.

Arthur “B25” Iglesias, professional Stingray in Grand Cayman, said this: “Listen, this guy was the most annoying human we’ve ever met.  It is no surprise that one of the guys gave him a boo-boo.”


“It looks like he hit the glass at an angle of 45 degrees and then grazed the door jamb,” said Inez Cardoso, housekeeper at El Wrongico, and the first to arrive at the scene of Branson’s glass encounter. “I did a suture with three stitches. That’s nothing compared to what I had to do for Sean Penn.”


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