Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Trump Outrage!

This week Donald Trump has taken one step too far by completely mangling the Facts about the population of New Jersey.  

This is outrageous and completely irresponsible!

He claims to have personally seen “thousands and thousands of people in Jersey City”, New Jersey. 

Well Mr. Trump, ponder this:

There are only 4,328 in the entire State of New Jersey – FACT!

Only 624 actually “live” in Jersey City – FACT!

538 of those are never in Jersey City, preferring to spend weeks at a time in Elizabeth, N.J., either turning petroleum cracking valves, slinging containers on and off boats in port across the thruway, or in the middle of the thruway pumping gas.  Full time gas-pumpers are a tourist attraction – FACTS!

The remaining 86 Jersey City “residents” are home-bound and receive 24-hour nursing care – FACT!

So what about the rest of New Jersey’s “population”, Smarty Pants?

Not one of the 3,704 has ever, nor would ever, set foot in Jersey City – FACT!

1,375 of them are actually “nomadic” as they work for the N.J. State Highway Stoppage Department and Jersey City is at the bottom of the priority list – FACT!

1,027 have vacation homes in Nutley and “live” out of state – FACT!

And the remaining 1,302 are located in Saddle River and work days as cops or derivative traders in Manhattan – FACT!


Sure, go ahead and make up whatever you want, Mr. Trump.

But the facts are going to chase you -- joining the swarm of lawyers, plaintiffs, District Attorneys, and ex-wives -- all the way to the White House.  And beyond -- FACT!

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