Saturday, March 26, 2016

Back to the Future: Donald Karadžić or Radovan Trump?

In this year’s political mayhem, it’s hard to keep things straight, but since I’ve always had it in for Radovan Karadžić, AKA The Butcher of Bosnia, I found myself reading a New York Times update on his war crimes trial this morning.  Very well-written by John Burns, who knows The Butcher personally, the piece is entitled “The Case of Deadly Delusions”.



The trial lumbers on in The Hague.  Now we have some kind of hearing eight years after Karadžić was apprehended selling a private brand of steaks, wine and sexual unguents under the alias "Dr. Dragan Donald Drumph Dabić", and decades after slaughtering almost 9000 Muslims in a frenzy of Ethnic Cleansing.

Ethnic Cleansing After Cleaning and Packaging
It is hard not to see Donald Trump in a similar predicament, say, 10 years from now, after wiping out a few million Muslims around the world; going to war with Mexico, Canada and Belize; cozying it up with Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin; building walls that millions of drones fly over every minute; sending in the National Guard and declaring martial law in cities around the United States with “excessive” numbers of illegal aliens (more than 30); and shooting unarmed civilians and puppies with prejudice.  

Maybe it was the hair.  The hair that triggered it.  

I've had it with Belize. You guys need to run for cover!

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