Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Word from the ‘Hood

Lately, I’ve been chillin’ with my boy, Cecil. Yo, if you want to chill wit’ me too, you better know what I’m sayin’, m’sane?

Here is some words verbato you got to get!

Psychoillogical (Psychological)
Percurious (Precarious)
Stewbility (Stability)
Wrigley (Rigorous)
Cricklum (Curriculum)
Likeded (Liked)
Nipplation (Manipulation)
Satisfications (Satisfaction)
Roofless (Ruthless)
Kinneygarden (Kindergarten)
Tittytoddler (Teetotaler)
Reservations (Plans for the future; usu. Taking drugs/alcohol)
Extricate, Extradite,
or Expunge (Remove ((as in: “I’m expunging myself from the mere situation!”))
Spectations (Expectations)
Petickly (Particularly)
Troof (Truth)
Finazz (Finesse)
Charmly (Charming)
Some Kind of Way (Resentment)
Baby Mama (Ex-girlfriend now raising your child)
Dickament (Predicament)
Meet-in (A.A. or N.A. meeting)
Alcohols (Alcoholic)
Msane (“What I mean is . . .”
Nameen (“Do you know what I mean?”)
Investus (Asbestos)
Judgify (Justify)
Fillin (Feeling)
Alization (Analysis)
Spearmint (Experiment)
Afrodiddy (Ad Infinitum)
Phoenician Blinds (Venetian Blinds)
Infinite (Infant)
Axesed (Asked)
Whorl Order (World Order)
Armaghetti (Armageddon)
Purposie (Purpose)
Empacide (Empathy)
Sympacide (Sympathy)
Beliterate (Belligerent)
Tiblets (Tidbits)
Chillin’ (Relaxing, taking drugs or drinking alcohol)
Skolits (Scholars)
Maclun (Immaculate)
Nakkins (Napkins)

Big words, bo! Most of ‘em from Rehab! We got more, yo! -- Larceny, Stipulate, Ipso Facto, Ab Initio, Recidivist. That's goin' on, man!

Nex’ time you runnin’ wit’ me Pippin, you speakin' my language, nameen?!

Yo man! The new Delmar Washington Japanese-to-English Phrase Guide has got me covered!

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