Thursday, December 2, 2010

Welcome to Nowhere Man

Welcome to Nowhere Man. 

It's a blog of the curious, the incidential and the somewhat insignificant; authored by a middle aged man of no particular description whose expertise lies in his ability to slip through the cracks pretty much everywhere.  He can found found occasionally between the lines, between the buttons, between and betwixed.  He neither appears nor disappears.  He and everyone else don't know if he really exists.  He has left a trail of rather odd receipts, been the dull non-descript guy in multiple police line-ups, a supernumerary in a few operas, a headless suit walking past the camera in a major motion picture.  There is a certain pure mathematical randomness to him.  Time doesn't seem to matter much to him.  His beliefs are vague, his memory is hazy, he can blend into a wall with no wallpaper.  Supposedly he'll turn up on this blog. 

Welcome to Nowhere Man.

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