Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Kim Kardashian Ahead of Kim Jong Un In Emoji Race!

The BBC reported today that the Supreme Leader of North Korea was pissed off by a satirical set of Emojis about him recently posted online. 

At the same time, a set of Emojis (called "Kimojis") posted by Supreme Goddess Kim Kardashian, got slightly higher online ratings ahead of the Emoji Caucuses. 

“The Lord of the Universe was extremely displeased at the cartoon characters mocking him and that Kardashian got higher ratings,” said Kim Ugh Kimchi, Press Slave in Pyongyang.

Offensive Emojis of The God of All Mankind

Brought to you by the Supreme Goddess of Supermarket Tabloids

Added Kimchi: “On the other hand, while they are in an online Emoji war, His Ultimate Highness thinks Kardashian is hot.”

“I think this is particular event is going to result in an invitation to North Korea for sex with Ms. Kardashian,” said Boring Celebrity Intelligence Analyst at Wienerschnitzel University, Kim Ugh Il.  “He’s a real ladies man.  I also think he wants to talk with her about a reality TV program he has in mind.”

Ugh Il

We spoke with Kim Borax, Chief Officer and Director of Useless Intelligence at the NSA. 

“From what we’ve gathered about Kim Jong Un, it looks like he’s going use the internet to target any Kim in the U.S. who isn’t hot.” 
The North Koreans are behind a series of technically advanced online invasions in the U.S.

According to Borax, those who are hot include:

Kim Novak

Kim Basinger

Kim Catrall

Kim Wilde
Wanna see my H-Bomb?

Borax added, “It would be safe to say that they’ll all be invited to North Korea for sex with frisky Kim Jong Un.”

“I think this could spark an all-out internet war with anyone in the U.S named Kim,” said Kim Fritz, Forest Ranger at the Lollapalooza National Park, in Paul Smiths, NY.  “My parents were from Finland and the family name was Kimsdotoriiminiin.  My first name is Kim, obviously a joke, and then they changed our name to Fritz.  So I’m a little concerned that I will be attacked.  But I have a firewall and a gun.

Others have differing opinions on how this is going to play out.

Donald Trump, current leader in the Republican race for nomination to be the Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency, and reality show actor, had this to say:

“I think Kim Jong Un has done a good job keeping his country under control,” said Trump. “But we need to build a giant wall.”

To see the inspiration for this:

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