Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Leon Trotsky and Benito Mussolini Enter 2016 Presidential Race!

Seizing the moment based on polls that show Americans are either veering toward a Socialist Revolution or Fascism, Leon Trotsky, known for his leadership in the Russian Revolution (socialism) of 1917, has entered the race, as well as Benito Mussolini, fascist dictator of Italy during WWII, known for his terrifying speeches and his best-buddy relationship with Adolf Hitler.

"Should we go back to that spaghetti place for lunch?"

Trotsky’s campaign manager, Boris Badinov, said, “Leon brings some new thinking into the race.  He has had experience in social revolutions, and at the same time knows how to vanquish enemies.”

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Trotsky led a revolution that gave the Russian people free healthcare.

Trotsky is known for his intellectual thinking, experience, and logical approach to social revolution.

His letters and articles are a brilliant example of the application of the dialectical materialist method to the analysis of contemporary political questions and problems of party program and perspective.

In an interview with Trotsky on the campaign trail via FaceTime, he said, “I know I’m an outsider, but I tell it like it is, based on the dialectical materialist method analysis of contemporary political questions and problems of party program and perspective, and the American people are responding.  I think we’re going to take Iowa.” 

"Is it possible to get some decent borscht in this dump?"
Headed for a pancake breakfast in New Hampshire!

Mussolini, reached for comment, screamed, “Cerchiamo di avere un pugnale tra i denti, una bomba tra le mani, e un disprezzo infinito nei nostri cuori!!!” (Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts!!!)

Mussolini at a recent Virginia Town Meeting!

Mussolini has recently been stumping in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Indiana.

Mussolini has a captive audience at the Iowa State Fair!
The press has had some harsh words to say about Mussolini.  One news network called him: “A vulgar, murderous clown.”  His nickname is “Il Duce”; which in English means “The Douchbag".

Il Duce's crisp explanation of fascism resonates with Americans!

Moussolini has a record of innovation when it comes to enemies.  He pioneered the use of human cannonballs to solve Italy's immigrant problem.

It's back to Algeria for you, pal!

His campaign press secretary, Beno Spumoni, commented, "The polls tell the story.  Mussolini has 41 percent.  End of story for all the losers."

Neither candidate has yet declared their affiliation to a party in the race for the presidency.  David Gergen, political adviser to president George Washington, said, “Duh!”


Asked if there is a centrist candidate who might split the vote, “Doc” Spheroid, CEO of Spheroid and Dodecahedron, a polling agency, said, “Eleanor Roosevelt, former first lady and champion of humanitarian causes and diplomacy, is rapidly sinking in the polls now that Trotsky and Mussolini are in the race.  I expect she will drop out during the primaries.”


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