Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Panama Papers Reveal Trump’s Offshore Investment in A Huge Dinosaur Hatchery


In an examination of almost 12 million documents recovered from the Panamanian law firm exposed as a front for global criminals and tax evaders, investigators have recovered evidence that Donald Trump, presumptive Republican nominee for the President of the United States, has poured money into an entity called “Trumpassic Park, Inc.”, which apparently is a front for the breeding of huge dinosaurs that have the capability of eating two or three T-Rex’s for breakfast.

Did somebody say caucus?

According to sources that have reviewed the documents, his investment includes a laboratory, equipment, scientific staff, an island, and enough reptilian DNA to breed the world’s largest, most powerful and destructive dinosaurs.
“This is amazing, we have no idea where the island is or how many dinosaurs have already hatched and are maturing,” said Dean Linkletter, C.P.A. and Assistant Director of Import/Export at Atlantic Bank, Belize.   


“I’m not a scientist but from what I can see from the documentation, Mr. Trump is creating a swarm of huge dinosaurs.  There is no indication that he is building anything more than a massive incubator of dinosaurs – no venues for visitors, rides, merchandising; what you’d expect if you were going to create a theme park.”

Asked what kinds of dinosaurs could be produced by this offshore venture, Professor of Paleontology, University of Cerberus, Milan G. Marslander said, “You’ve got me."


"It depends on the lab, the team, the DNA, and a whole bunch of other factors. But I can tell you this, you can create herds of these things and they’ll be huge.  Just one of them could level something as big as a Convention Center.”

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